We are proud to be part of the exciting addition of a new four-manual Allen for the historic Bryn Athyn Cathedral. The Bryn Athyn Cathedral is situated on a hill overlooking the picturesque Pennypack Creek Valley in the borough of Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania. Since 1919, it has been the worship home for the Bryn Athyn Church and a gathering place for members of the New Church throughout the world. This Four Manual instrument represents the current state-of-the-art in organ building, providing the organist with a full pallet within it's 79-stop design. Further, residing within this one console are 7 complete and distinct organs, sampled from famous organ builders such as Arp Schnitger, Schlicker, Henry Willis, Cavaille'-Coll, and others, each individually voiced as if they were 7 organs in seven different churches. The organ speaks from the rear gallery,  at long last providing more space and allowing for proper choral accompaniment.  Total flexibility for soloing sounds from the Chancel and complete enveloping sound will be realized upon the completion of the antiphonal organ. Allen's new Navigator MIDI addition provides hundreds of additional organ and orchestral voices, along with the ability to record the playing of this massive instrument.